This real golf course is deserted.
Muller is swinging crazily at a teed up golf ball. He can’t connect, and ends up just pointing down at it and making faces. Skoldy takes a sample from the grass. white text fades in at lower frame left: Spic and Mick’s 18 Hole – 6:12 pm | |
HUI KIM PARKER, the course warden, walks over a hill, looking rather dapper. He isn't noticed until he speaks.
Hui Did you know major cause of death while playing golf is due to heart attack? | |
Both Skoldy and Muller are surprised by his approach, reeling around on him, badges drawn.
Hui I’m afraid the course is closing, you’ll have to go home now. | |
Scoldy Federal! Agents! | |
Hui Hui Kim Parker | |
Skoldy shakes her badge in a prissy rich-witch way. Muller shoves his badge excessively in the guy’s face. (hui's head in dead center, just slightly turning to each?) Muller What can you tell us about the unnatural golf course activity in this town. Hui Based on what assumption? The golf course is just an objective syntax that exists only in your perception. Scoldy What do you know about the murder of the Groundskeeper over at Putt Putt Par 3 last week? Hui Knowing is only half the battle, not knowing is the complete battle. | |
Hui picks up a golf club
Hui Look at this, Hubert S0-9000, graphite head, titanium casing, even a five year old can hit a 300 yard drive. | |
Muller gulps, longingly admiring the club, then looks to Skoldy. Instead of golf swings, Hui start to do samurai sword moves Muller Or beat a man to death. | |
An awkward pause, we hear the flapping sound from the wings of a seagull in distance.
Awk, Awk, the seagull moans. As if grieving over the death of his new born due to herpes. | |
Hui Death is just a stage in the ring of life. Some say that death heralds the ultimate termination. But some also believe that in death, there comes liberation - | |
Scoldy Please Hui, we would be glad if you can tell us about the groundskeeper. | |
Hui Meet me at the fourth hole of the Par3 golf course tonight, twelve fifteen sharp. |