Fade up on Muller at his desk, using his computer. Push in on him, past pipes and stacks of folders. white text fades in at lower frame left: FBI Headquarters – Washington D.C. – 8:00 am Skoldy enters, carrying several manila folders crammed with papers. Her entrance stops the push in, and ends whatever creepy music was playing. Skoldy Hey Muller, whatcha up to? Muller nothing, skoldy. | |
Skoldy leans on one of many ridiculously huge stacks of folders. Skoldy Surfing for naked pictures of Gillian Anderson again? Muller Actually, I was perfecting my stroke. | |
Muller swivels the monitor to display a golf simulation game (ala PGA Tour). He grins stupidly.
(note, this is the first time we reveal mulder fully) | |
Skoldy I’m always impressed by your ability to avoid any actual investigative work. | |
Mulder's face reflects green computer screen glow in foreground.
In background skoldy approachs the water cooler. Muller You should give it a shot, Skoldy. You might enjoy a long drive or two. Skoldy Give it a rest Muller we’ve got to scramble if we’re gonna be ready for our monkey man presentation at headquarters, Friday. Muller No time Skoldy. We’re going to Oregon. | |
dramatic jump cut, as Skoldy wheels around. (expressing fear of Oregon). Skoldy We are? | |
Muller Yup. Check this out. Muller holds up a Newspaper for skully to read, while he continues to play with other hand. The headline reads “Hard Core Golfers converge on Corvallis, Oregon” Muller This small town in western Oregon has been generating some of the most unbelievable golf games in history. People are coming away from nine holes with nine points. A hole in one each time. (continued) | |
Muller(continued) And not just one or two talented visiting golf pros… | |
Muller(continued) E-v-e-r-y-o-n-e that’s played there for the past 2 weeks. | |
Skoldy So people are playing perfect games. I’m glad they finally figured out that silly sport. | |
CU Muller's face Muller Not playing perfectly, Skoldy. Playing - | |
Extreme CU Muller's mouth Muller I-m-p-o-s-s-i-b-l-y. | |
Skoldy Still, it hardly sounds like an x-file, Muller. Skoldy tosses the newspaper, hands on her hips. Muller holds up a new newspaper for her. Muller And there was another murder there last night. | |
The headline reads "Renowned Racer Biff Hoskins Dies In Late Night Lawnmower Tragedy.” Skoldy Murder? Another? (pause) |
Skoldy It says here this man was most likely intoxicated (pause) and he drove a lawnmower through a barb wire fence. |
Muller Biff Hoskins didn’t crash his formula 1 in over 78 grand prix races. He never even scratched that car. There’s no way he’d lose control of a beat up old weed wacker going 10 mph. Skoldy Muller, this is all very interesting, but we’ve got paperwork up the wazoo- Molder shoves the monitor off his desk. (or just unloads his pistol into it). |
Muller slaps on a goofy golf cap and swings an old ugly golf bag onto his shoulder. Skoldy grimaces.
Muller We’ll take it with us. Right now, the green is calling. |