Projects under way...
- April 15, 2005 - Decided to keep a jedi6 diary, here for posterity (heh), and alan's input.
- April 11, 2005 - Space Sequence for Jedi 6 (storyboards). Waiting on photos of alan and Jeff's craniums, so i can use to create Poser5 3-d models. weee. Also waiting on new cd rom drive, so i can install 3ds max 6. weee. silly waiting.

Karate Pate 3: Vernal Season
check out the storyboards for the psychotic fight scene from this wicked flic. (6/26/02)
Jonason's full script is here
- X+Files: Hole In Someone (now with storyboards!)
Most likely this is the next thing we'll shoot. Progress progress!
Here is the second draft of the production schedule (last updated 6-25-02)
and here is a (stonger) whiff of goods to come
- FHE icon coming soon... (just need to take the time to make the vector art in illustrator).
- Funeral Home Entertainment Business Cards (weep. will these ever be done?)
- Also have a design for a FHE tshirt. just need to see if it can actually be made.
- FANIG Card Illustrations (jesse? you out there? should i continue working on this?)