Wooklings 99?

Introducing a winner

parodying Picking Daisy

parodying Rene's topless award acceptance

parodying the hippie dance

Parodying ... gay sex.

Parodying The Playa

... this playa smokes!

... comedy gold


Well, Alan stayed up for over 3 days (or was that another time?) to edit the wookies together, so on the last day i stayed up all night to edit a wookling package for him. Just me in the studio with a quick sockpuppet and some slight dementia.
Most interesting part of the shoot was how it got larger and larger as the night went on. By the end i'd decided to light a sock on fire, but i fuctup the first take (and smelled up the studio), so i decided to try again outside, in the early morning sun. Which led to me prancing around the hallways with a sockpuppet in a dress on my head, and a confused radio dj who wandered into my insanity.
Also of note, maybe, was that i snuck a bunch of subliminal shit into the chalkboard titles (which crappily parodied alan's snazzy award title effects).
