THE FALLEN BEAST AND THE ROADKILL EXT. NORTH OF CORVALLIS - DAY Simple Oregon landscape: large field with a singular oak tree and a straight country road running along side an old two-story house. TFB is hitchhiking from Apprehension to Misery. At his feet, a very dead opossum testifies to the omnipresence of mortal flesh and its continual state of decay. As TFB stretches and rubs his head: TFB Love the smell of roadkill in the morning! The very dead opossum nods its head. A car speeds by and disappears into the distance. TFB (CONT'D) That's back. Can't go there. Victims only. Forward...volunteers. TFB sits down at the side of the road. With a stick he draws little figures in the dirt. TFB (CONT'D) Ripe carcasses in neat rows. The dirt flies when the wind blows. Another car shoots past. TFB (CONT'D) Country hospitality. Must keep walking. To move ahead is to be noticed. TFB doesn't move. The very dead opossum wags its very flat tail. Silence and scenery. Another car rockets past. TFB (CONT'D) Spinal fluid. The very dead opossum taps its paw on the pavement. VERY DEAD OPOSSUM (Sound effect) Tap, tap, tap. TFB Spinal fluid. VERY DEAD OPOSSUM (Sound effect) Tap, tap, tap. TFB Up ahead, things are clear and bright. Nothing comes as a surprise, because everything is foreseeable. Walk on. VERY DEAD OPOSSUM (Sound effect) Tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap. The very dead opossum radiates death and decay as its guts smolder on the warm pavement. TFB doesn't move. Silence and scenery. TFB Spinal fluid or electro shock? Up ahead. Up ahead. Back there, unclear. Up ahead, up ahead. Must walk on. TFB doesn't move. The very dead opossum taps its paw on the pavement. VERY DEAD OPOSSUM (sound effect) Tap, tap. Tap, tap. Tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap... ...the very dead opossum slowly stops tapping as... ...TFB stands and slowly walks away... A car zooms past. ...the very dead opossum decays into nothing. The car stops. In reverse, it careens backwards seemingly to give TFB a ride. TFB looks over his shoulder, watching the car. He is neither happy nor sad, but purposefully blank. TFB Love the smell of roadkill in the morning... The car smashes TFB flat, then it turns and drives slowly back the way it came. The End PRODUCTION NOTES (suggestions, of course) Needs: stuffed toy opossum (or maybe real...just kidding) fake blood and guts, and clear fishing line for opossum movements. Then, to show decaying opossum use stop-motion and maybe speed it up in editing. Use low camera angles to utilize the flat landscape, and maybe pull back to wider shots as you progress. TFB never says "I" in his dialog...important. Thanks for letting me intrude. -K. Shawn Edgar 2002