Synopsis: monologue taken from the end of a short story in which the protagonist is charged for a crime that is a crime in words, but not in spirit. the monologue is spoken admidst flashbacks from prison, life, and feelings in an effort to gain insight into his dispair. Shot: face of protagonist fills screen, mouth does not move throughout monologue. "i don't know where to begin. there really is no beginning. well, none that i can recollect. life is funny that way, you know. you rarely remember the beginning - just the middle - and of course the end." Shot: jump cut to either a monochrome or b/w slowmotion flashback of a couple walking in the park Shot: fade into repeat of first shot. "i have lived. let's just leave it at that. i have done many things. i'm not proud, but i'm not regretful either. Shot: jump cut to flashback of fight/murder. Shot: fade back into repeat of first shot. "there are no excuses for our actions - but yet there is no blame. is a dog culpable for its hunt?" Shot: jump cut to flashback of a kiss. Shot: -guess what - another fade into repeat of first shot. "for every right there is a wrong. for every black, a white." Shot: jump cut to flashback to trial/gavel being dropped onto table. Shot: back to first shot - begin very slow zoom out - not showing more than shoulders of protagonist - as protagonist's shoulders are naked. "but what happens when you're judged for your right's and not your wrongs?" Shot: jump cut to two overlayed flashbacks, the fight and a kiss. Shot: back to slow zoom out of protagonist - showing no lower than nipples. "to allow ourselves to be judged by our peers is to allow ourselves to be controlled." Shot: jump cut again to flashback of a crucifix. Shot: back to slow zoom - going no further than belly button. "the wolves of justice are borne by the legs of repression." Shot: flashback to body dropping from gallows. hold that shot with voice over. "there are no excuses for our actions." Shot: fade into protagonist full body, naked, on a slab in a morgue, being prepared to be eviscerated. "but yet ther is no blame" Shot: fade to black, with the sound of a blade cutting through the flesh of the chest and seperating. Shot: fade into protagonist, with chest open. sounds of dogs barking.