DEJA VU, DESCENDING FADE IN: INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY Close-up on a battered TV, the kind you might find in an Archie Bunker episode. On the screen is a newscaster. NEWSCASTER Blah, blah, blah-blah, blah, blah- blah-blah, blah... There's a short burst of static, and the TV is now tuned to a soap opera. A man and a woman are face-to-face, as if about to kiss. WOMAN Blah, blah-blah, blah, blah! MAN Blah, blah? WOMAN BLAH! MAN Blah, blah. Blah-blah, blah. WOMAN Blah? MAN Blah-blah. They kiss, long and deep. A chubby hand appears, holding and pointing a remote at the TV screen. The chubby thumb presses a chubby button, and there's another short burst as the TV changes station again. A reality cop show this time. Two cops are holding down a prisoner. The prisoner has his face smudged out. COP #1 Blah, blah, blah-blah! Blah! Blah! PRISONER Blah, blah - - blah - - blah, blah! COP #2 BLAH! BLAH! PRISONER ! The chubby hand appears again, with the remote. Another press of the button. More static. A talk show this time. The talk show host looks surprisingly like Maury Povich. There are two guests, both crying. TALK SHOW HOST Blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah. Blah. GUEST #1 Blah, blah! Blah! The chubby hand appears again and presses the "off" button. The TV screen EXPLODES out in a shower of glass and sparks. Sitting on a ratty recliner is a chubby, balding man. He's wearing a greasy t-shirt with the word "GOD" in big, bold, black letters. CHUBBY Blah. FADE OUT